

一本是叫做《Polarization of light in nonlinear optics》的书,关于光在各种非线性光学系统中的偏振效应的专著,出版于1998年。对于这样一个狭窄专门的方向,书中都做了各种详细的公式推导,当时我就在想,估计只有俄罗斯人才这么有闲心。然后一去查作者背景,果然。虽然作者单位是英国南安普顿大学。书里有这么一段话:

"If the constitutive equation implies, apart from the causality, some additional symmetries, then some of the reflective effects, such as reflective optical activity may become forbidden."

另外是一篇叫做《Necessity of Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking for the Polar Kerr Effect in Linear Response》的文章,发表在今年3月4号的PRL上。一篇和超导相变有关的纯理论文章,作者单位是斯坦福大学物理系。摘要只有两句,第一句是:

"We show that, measured in a backscattering geometry, the polar Kerr effect is absent if the nonlocal electromagnetic response function respects Onsager symmetry, characteristic of thermodynamic states that preserve time-reversal symmetry."


"If the nonlocal electromagnetic response function respects Onsager symmetry (characteristic of thermodynamic states that preserve time-reversal symmetry), then measured in a backscattering geometry, the polar Kerr effect is absent."



  1. 没出了有啥一样。知识水平太浅薄。哈哈

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